Breast Lift


If the breasts have lost or never had a high perky posture, the surgery to correct this loss of a pleasing shape is a Breast Lift.  The loss of a youthful shape can be caused by abnormal breast development, pregnancy, breast feeding, weight gain, weight loss, aging, and the effects of gravity.

The youngest age is after full breast growth is complete (Age 18-19); there is no limit to an older patient having a Breast Lift. The patient must be in good general health in order to have a General Anesthetic.

There are young patients who have developmental abnormalities of the breast, that may be corrected in the peripubertal age period.


Whatever your reasons for breast lift surgery, Dr. Giuffre personalizes the procedure according to your needs and treatment goals to enhance your natural silhouette.

Prior to your procedure, Dr. Giuffre will meet with you to discuss your goals and expectations for breast lift surgery. He will also review the details of your chosen procedure, the associated risks, and welcome any questions or concerns that you may have. This discussion is important,  helping you to communicate your vision with your surgeon in order to achieve the results you desire. All post surgical results vary from patient to patient, as no two bodies respond to and heal from surgery identically.

Dr Giuffre will examine your breasts without a bra while assessing:

  • Chest wall symmetry

  • Breast symmetry

  • Nipple height symmetry

  • Breast shape differences

  • Exam for any masses or pathology

Each consultation is completely customized and designed with the individual patients goals in mind. 


Dr. Giuffre performs breast lift procedures at a private surgical suite adjacent to his Meadowlark Health Centre Office. The breast lift procedure lasts one to two hours and is performed with general anesthesia

The breast shape and size will then be adjusted surgically. The nipple areola will be elevated to the correct position on the breast, leaving the blood and nerve supply intact. The breast tissue is reshaped, the incisions are closed with stitches underneath the skin. These sutures will dissolve

If the breast shape is being adjusted but NOT the breast size, then only skin is removed, and the breast is reshaped. If the size and shape is being adjusted, then BOTH skin and breast tissue are removed, and the breast is reshaped. If one breast is larger than the other (called Breast Asymmetry), then breast tissue is removed from the larger breast, to match the smaller breast.

In order to lift the breast, and reposition the nipple areola, three breast incisions must be made, which will leave a scar.  

  • There will be a scar around the areola, where the dark and lighter skin join. This scar blends and fades.

  • There will be a scar in the breast crease, which is well hidden within the crease.

  • There will be a vertical scar from the bottom of the areola to the crease. This often looks like a stretch mark when fully healed.


Before waking from the surgery, Dr Giuffre will inject a long acting local anesthetic into the breast area to decrease any immediate breast discomfort from the surgery. The discomfort typically subsides after the first two days following the surgery, and is treated with post operative analgesic medication (pain killers) for up to a week. Patients taking prescription pain medication should not drive a car or operate machinery or sign significant documents while taking this medication.

Patients will have to arrange a ride and aftercare with a responsible adult and are not permitted to leave unaccompanied or in a taxi. Patients driving a distance from Edmonton that exceeds 90 minutes, should make arrangements to stay overnight in Edmonton. The surgical centre does not have an overnight care facility. You will then be seen the following day for dressing removal and assessment by Dr. Giuffre and his staff.

You will be seen the day following surgery by Dr.Giuffre and/or his nursing staff, and again within the week following your surgery by Dr Giuffre. Further follow up arrangements will be made at that time. Dr. Giuffre provides his home phone number to his cosmetic patients in case there is a patient concern.  In the rare instance that a patient requires hospitalization, Dr. Giuffre has admitting privileges to all of the major hospitals in Edmonton.

Many patients return to work within the week. Any postoperative pain, swelling and sensitivity will diminish over the first few weeks. Scars from breast augmentation incisions will begin to fade in a few months, and will continue to fade for months or years.


With any surgery, there are surgical and anesthetic risks.  Aside from the rare risks of an anesthetic event, some of the general and specific surgical risks for this procedure would include:

  • Scarring

  • Infection

  • Sensation changes to the Breast or Nipples

  • Circulation loss to the nipple - if you smoke, you must stop at least 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after surgery

  • **Patients at risk are those that smoke, have had radiation for breast cancer, and have an abnormal circulation pattern of the nipple.

  • Discomfort

  • Time off of work and exercise

  • Asymmetry

  • Bleeding (Hematoma)

Please note that this list is not complete.  During the consultation with the patient, Dr. Giuffre will outline and explain each of the risks in detail.




What is the perfect breast?

Symmetry (both breasts are very similar in size and shape). 40% of the breast volume lies above the nipple areolar complex, and 60% lies below. The nipple areolar complex is at the apex of the breast mound, with a gentle lower and lateral curve of the breast mound meeting the chest wall, at a defined crease, which matches the opposite breast.

How do I know that I need a Breast Lift?

If the breasts have lost or never had a high perky posture, the surgery to correct this loss of a pleasing shape is a Breast Lift. The loss of a youthful shape can be caused by abnormal breast development, pregnancy, breast feeding, weight gain, weight loss, aging, and the effects of gravity.

The nipple areola drops and the breast drops, (this is called Ptosis).

The degree of Ptosis is measured by the position of the nipple in relation to the lower crease of the breast, (inframammary crease). If the nipple sits at, or below this crease, when looking at the breast in profile, then a Breast Lift is a consideration. If the majority of the breast tissue has fallen below this crease, leaving the upper part of the breast empty, (called Pseudoptosis), a Breast Lift is a consideration.

If the breast has developed abnormally, with both breast and nipple abnormalities (Tuberous Breast), a Breast Lift is part of the Breast Reconstruction. A surgical consultation and examination with Dr. Giuffre will provide the surgical options to correct Breast Asymmetry (caused by differences in breast size and shape), or concerns about breast size or shape.

I'm not sure I want my breast to be that much bigger, but the upper part of my breast is empty and my breasts droop. What can I do?

A Breast Lift will improve the nipple position, breast shape and posture, but will not restore upper pole fullness. A Breast Augmentation can restore this upper pole fullness. This can be done at the same time as the Breast Lift surgery, or later, with a second surgery.

My breasts are quite droopy. Can you fix this with a Breast Augmentation?

This depends on how severe the droop (ptosis) is. If it is minor, a Breast Augmentation can often correct the ptosis. If the droop is more significant, then a Breast Lift would be required, along with a Breast Augmentation (if the patient also wanted larger breasts). If the patient wanted only the breast ptosis correction, without enlarging the breasts, then only a Breast Lift would be done.

My nipples are at different heights. Can you fix this with a Breast Augmentation?

No, this correction requires a form of Breast Lift surgery.

One breast is a bit smaller than the other. Can this be fixed?

It is unusual for the breasts to be identical. They often differ in size and shape. Adjusting implant size can often correct a minor size symmetry issue. If the size and shape and nipple height are dramatically different between the breasts, then additional surgical options would be considered at the time of breast implantation, such as a Breast Lift and/or Breast Reduction. The surgical options, and associated risks, would be thoroughly discussed by Dr. Giuffre, before deciding on a procedure. Contact Dr. Giuffre's office for a Consultation.